Consider that $P$ is the water pressure coming out of a valve $A$. Let $P_{dif}$ be the difference between the maximum and the minimum pressure of valve $A$:
Now, what I want to do is estimate $P_{dif}$. In order to do that, I take a number of water pressure samples from valve $A$.
Let $S$ be a set of $3$ measured samples:
$$S = {5,7,1}$$
That is, $S$ contains 3 random samples of $P$, therefore, by placing S in ascending order, I can estimate $P_{dif}$ like that:
$$\hat{P}_{dif} = S_{(n:3)}-S_{(n:1)} = 7-1 = 6$$
- What is the probability of exceeding this estimation ($\hat{P}_{dif}$). That is, what is the probability that the population parameter ($P_{dif}$) will exceed the estimation ($\hat{P}_{dif}$).
- Reliability of the estimation ($\hat{P}_{dif}$): this refers to the probability that the estimation is wrong (it may be possible to find this by deriving the confidence interval of the sample range, but I don't know how).
Any help towards this will be greatly appreciated.