Lets say we want to predict a persons weight using their height and gender.
We always assume there is a data generating distribution $P_{X×Y}$, and all output and input pairs are generated i.i.d from $P_{X×Y}$. My question is:
How can I understand what X is? Is it discrete? Is it continuous? E.g. 1 sample is drawn from X. Is this a random vector containing the continuous random variable height and discrete random variable gender? What is the right way to show this mathematically? Something like $X_1$ ={H,G} where H and G are the height and gender random variables?
Similarly, how can I understand what $P_{X×Y}$? is? Is this the probability density for every possible sampling combination? E.g. one combination can be male, height of 180cm and 70kg?.
I'm still learning about random variables in general so any simple explanation will be greatly appreciated!