Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_{n_1}$ and $Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_{n_2}$ be two different independent i.i.d. samples from $N(\mu_1, \sigma^2)$ and $N(\mu_2, \sigma^2)$, respectively. Note the variances are the same. How can I find a $100(1 - \alpha)\%$ confidence interval for $4\mu_1 - 3\mu_2$?
I know the following derivation for a confidence interval for difference of means (however, the variables not necessarily have to be normal).
If we have variables $X$ and $Y$, and we define $\overline{X} = n_1^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{n_1} X_i$ and $\overline{Y} = n_2^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{n_2} Y_i$ to be rthe sample means, then $\hat{\Delta} = \overline{X} - \overline{Y}$ is an unbiased estimator for $\Delta = \mu_1 - \mu_2$. Furthermore, by the independence of the samples, we have $\text{Var}(\hat{\Delta}) = \frac{\sigma^2}{n_1} + \frac{\sigma^2}{n_2}$ assuming the variances are the same.
Now if we define $S_1^2 = (n_1 - 1)^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{n_1} (X_i - \overline{X})^2$ and $S_2^2 = (n_2 - 1)^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{n_2} (Y_i - \overline{Y})^{2}$ to be the sample variances, we can estimate the variances by the sample variances and consider the random variable $Z = (\hat{\Delta} - \Delta)/\left(\sqrt{\frac{S_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{S_2^2}{n_2}}\right)$, which follows a $N(0, 1)$ distribution due to the Central Limit Theorem. This leads to a $(1 - \alpha)100\%$ confidence interval for $\Delta = \mu_1 - \mu_2$ given by
$$\left((\overline{x} - \overline{y} - z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\frac{s_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{s_2^2}{n_2}}, (\overline{x} - \overline{y}) \right) + z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\frac{s_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{s_2^2}{n_2}},$$
where the quantity $\sqrt{\frac{s_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{s_2^2}{n_2}}$ represents the standard error of $\overline{X} - \overline{Y}$.
However, I'm struggling to extend this to find a confidence interval for $4\mu_1 - 3\mu_2$ specifically when the samples come from normal distributions with a common sample variance. Can someone please help me approach this problem? Note that I would like to actually derive the interval myself and not just use R or some other software.