We have two dice, one with six sides (a cube)
and one with twelve (a dodecahedron)
The cube bears the numbers 1 to 6. The probability for each number is $\frac{1}{6}$. The dodecahedron bears the numbers 1 to 12. The probability for each number is $\frac{1}{12}$.
What is the combined probability for the numbers 1 to 6, when you roll the cube nC times and the dodecahedron nD times and discount all results of 7 or above?
That is, all results between 1 and 6 from both cubes are counted as valid, and all results between 7 and 12 from the dodecahedron are considered invalid and the toss is not counted (as if it had not happened).
For example, you roll 5, 3, 6
with the cube and 2, 8, 9
with the dodecahedron. As a result you have rolled n = 4 times and the results are 2, 3, 5, 6
Is it correct to assume that the combined probability for each of the numbers 1 to 6 is $\frac{1}{6}$?