I can't explain something simple to myself and it is probably a matter of vocabulary, I am not sure...
If I create and random normal $Z \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times5}$, each row and column has a mean of 0. If I then wanted to created a covariance matrix of the first dimension, I could either calculate
$$ \frac{XX^\top}{n-1} $$
which would give the average squared distance from the mean of 0 between each of the rows in $X$, which is the covariance. Alternatively, I could use the RBF kernel and calculate $RBF(x)$ which would also be called the covariance matrix between the rows of $X$. Unless I have gotten the approach wrong, these two things are not equal as the code demonstrates below. I would like to gain a deeper understanding of the difference between these two things and why they are both called covariance matrices even though they are different.
For example, could I use the $XX^\top$ covariance matrix for Gaussian process regression if it is a valid covariance matrix, or is there something that prevents it from working?
import gpytorch # type: ignore
import torch # type: ignore
RBF_KERN_FUNC = gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel()
def run():
x_tr = torch.randn(3, 5)
cov_rbf = RBF_KERN_FUNC(x_tr).evaluate()
print(f"rbf size: {cov_rbf.size()}")
cov = x_tr @ x_tr.t()
print(f"cov size: {cov.size()}")
print(f"rbf: {cov_rbf}")
print(f"cov: {torch.exp(-cov / 4)}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
rbf size: torch.Size([3, 3])
cov size: torch.Size([3, 3])
rbf: tensor([[1.0000, 0.0970, 0.0107],
[0.0970, 1.0000, 0.0320],
[0.0107, 0.0320, 1.0000]], grad_fn=<RBFCovarianceBackward>)
cov: tensor([[0.1803, 0.4715, 0.8288],
[0.4715, 0.3840, 0.9206],
[0.8288, 0.9206, 0.3947]])