So, this is the model:
$Y_{ij} = \mu + T_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}$ for $i = 1, ..., t$ and $j = 1, ..., t$.
I understand that
- $T_{1}, T_{2}, \dots, T_{t} \stackrel{iid}\sim N(0, \sigma^{2}_{T})$;
- $\epsilon_{11}, \epsilon_{22}, \dots, \epsilon_{tn} \stackrel{iid}\sim N(0, \sigma^{2}_{T})$; and
- $T_{1}, T_{2}, \dots, T_{t}$ are independent of $E_{11}, E_{22}, \dots, E_{tn}$
My task is to find the expectation of $\bar Y_{++}$ aka, the mean across all values of $i$ and $j$.
Now, just from looking at it's definition: $\bar Y_{++} = \frac{1}{nt}\sum_{i = 1}^{t}\sum_{j = 1}^{n}Y_{ij}$
I can immediately recognize that this is the sample mean across all values of $i$ and $j$ and so recalling the fact that the sample mean is an unbiased estimator, mentally I'm aware of the fact that the expectation of $\bar Y_{++}$ should be just $\mu$, but undergoing the calculation here, I have:
$E[\bar Y_{++}] = E[\frac{1}{nt}\sum_{i = 1}^{t}\sum_{j = 1}^{n}Y_{ij}] = \frac{1}{nt}E[\sum_{i = 1}^{t}(\sum_{j = 1}^{n} Y_{ij})] = \frac{1}{nt}E[\sum_{i = 1}^{t}(n\bar y_{i+})] = \frac{1}{nt}E[nt\bar y_{ij}] = \frac{nt}{nt}E[\bar y_{ij}] = E[\bar y_{ij}] = \mu$
But now I have no idea how to compute the variance from this. I know the formula for variance (for some random arbitrary random variable $X$) is $E[X^2] - (E[X])^2$ but inputting the expression for $\bar Y_{++}$ for X just gets stupid messy. Am I just doing it wrong?
I was also thinking about calculating the mean and variance this way:
$E[\bar Y_{++}] = E[\mu + T_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}] = E[\mu] + E[T_{i}] + E[\epsilon_{ij}] = \mu + 0 + 0 = \mu$
$Var(\bar Y_{++}) = Var(\mu + T_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}) = Var(T_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}) = Var(T_{i}) + Var(\epsilon_{ij})$ (b/c independent) $ = \frac{\sigma^{2}_{T}}{t} + \frac{\sigma^{2}}{nt}$
Both computations for the expectation yield the same answer, and the variance computation seems correct, so I'm inclined to go with the latter method of calculating the two statistics, but is there a way to calculate the variance using that variance definition provided above with how $\bar Y_{++}$ is defined? Or is that just the wrong way to approach this problem and I should instead just go with the latter way of computing the two statistics like I did above?