I'm in desperate need of advice in terms of the choice of statistical test for my analysis.
Briefly to explain what I am analyzing in an animal model: I want to see the effect of 2 categorical variables ("genetic_profile" and "sex") and "age" variable (recorded in exact days which vary between subjects but the data is generally split into 3 and 9 months-old) on the continuous variable - "measurement". There are 52 measurements (24 come from paired animals - i.e. measure was taken twice in 12 out of 38 animals). The measurement was taken using a program that displays processed brain images and two points were selected manually to measure the thickness of a small anatomical feature.
Outcome variable: measurement
Predictor variables: genetic_profile (mutant/wild-type), sex (female/male), age (in days),
This is the model in R (also accounting for a possible interaction between genetic_profile and age). The random effect comes from animal.
model = lmer(measuremnet ~ Genetic_profile*Age + Gender +
(1 | animal), data = data_set)
I attached a picture of a plot of residals vs fitted (plot(model)) and it definitely does not look like the right fit (residuals form 3 parallel stripes across the plot).
I believe it's important to mention that measurement has presumably a large degree of error since the precision measure was to just 1 decimal place and essentially all measurements that were recorded were between 0.3 and 0.5 (differed by 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 mm at most).
Should I try and find a way to apply this model or was the suggestion wrong? I presume that a t-test should be applied if the linear mixed model is incorrect?