
I have been studying the change in a metric X with a linear mixed effect model. I have built this model in a multivariate setting, so I can see how each of my covariates (Time, sex, age) affect X. Subsequently, I assessed how the time-differences were impacted by sex and age using simple interaction models.

I paste here my code and results here:

mod1.lme <- lme(X ~ Time + bmi+ sex+ smoker + drinker + diabetes + hypertension + race , random = ~ 1|ID, data = df1, na.action = na.omit, method = "ML")


enter image description here

mod3.lme <- lme(X ~ Time + sex + Time * sex , random = ~ 1|ID, data = df1, na.action = na.omit, method = "ML")


enter image description here

Then I have substracted the mean to the metric BMI, because I was told this would eliminate the regression to the mean for this metric

df1$bmi_acc = df1$bmi-df1$mean_bmi

and assessed its longitudinal impact like this (maybe I should have done it with an interaction model?)

enter image description here


From these results I could say that there is change over time in the metric X (based on mod1), and that there are several variables affecting this the variable X crossectionally, but after testing them all in interaction models, I see that only sex (women(==0) progress more than men(==1)) and people with high BMI have a higher progression over time.

EFFECT SIZE: For example, given these results, I would like to know if I can say (based on my cofficients) that for example women with high BMI would progress at xy% per year, while a an average men with BMI xy, and a starting X of xy, would progress at xy% per year.

The way I normally interpret these coefficients is: (based on mod1) For every year, you will increase 1.72 in X (so 581.48 + 1.72). The other covariates in that model are crossectional and I am not sure how to interpret them in this context.

I am confused though as to how to include the interaction models in this context. Shall I forget about mod1 and focus on the specific interaction models?

My interpretation:

SEX: Based on model 3:

For every increase in a year, you will suffer an increase of 2.76 in X, that if you are a woman, will be 1.78 in addition to men. So the final model will be:

  • Women: 687.23 + 2.76 +1.78 = 691.77 (being a woman you would expect an increase in X of 0.66% per year)
  • Men: 687.23 + 2.76 = 689.99 (being a man you would expect an increase in X of 0.40% per year)

For BMI (based on model 2)

where every increase in a BMI unit would increase X by 3.79...

Going from a BMI of 25 to 31 Kg/m2 in one year would mean:

6*3.79= 22.7 697.89 +22.7 = 720.59 (an increase of 3.25%)

if we merge this with the previous context. We would say:

  • Women: 0.66% + 3.25% = 3.91%
  • Men: 0.40% + 3.25% = 3.65%

Is this all right?? I am trying to make my results easy to read for clinicians.


  • $\begingroup$ How is time treated in your data/model? As a factor or numeric variable? $\endgroup$
    – Erik Ruzek
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 18:01
  • $\begingroup$ hi Erik, time is a continuous variable: everyone has a 0 in visit 1 (timepoint 0) and the variable is measured in years so at visit 2 they might have a time from 1 to 2 years (correspondent to time in years to visit 2 from visit 1) $\endgroup$
    – Lili
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 18:55
  • $\begingroup$ I see. Is there a reason you are not treating the Time slope as random? That would be equivalent to a growth curve model. $\endgroup$
    – Erik Ruzek
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 20:10
  • $\begingroup$ Is there some reason why you are formulating this as a set of separate models? Usually it's best to put all predictors (and interactions) of interest into a single model. $\endgroup$
    – EdM
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 20:52
  • $\begingroup$ @ErikRuzek, The reason is because I wanted to see if time was significant for X, I thought to use it as fixed and nested random - lme(X ~ Time + bmi+ sex+ smoker + drinker + diabetes + hypertension + race ,random = ~ 1|ID/Visit (...). I think this would be more accurate? (being Visit a factorial variable 1 and 2) $\endgroup$
    – Lili
    Commented May 5, 2021 at 8:38

1 Answer 1


With this scale of a data set, you should be combining all your predictors into a single model. Doing multiple mini-models runs a risk of omitted-variable bias, not allowing you to take the omitted predictors into account in each mini-model.

The best approach is explained for example in Harrell's course notes, in particular Chapter 4 on multivariable modeling strategies. Consider how much data you have, decide on how many predictors that might allow you to evaluate, and build a rich model that captures as much of the data as is reasonable without overfitting.

You have on the order of 5000 observations total, with a bit under 2 observations per individual on the average. With your continuous outcome you could probably accommodate 100 or more predictors, counting each interaction term as a predictor. It seems that you could easily incorporate all potential 2-way fixed-effect interactions into your model, with a random intercept accounting for (estimated) baseline differences among individuals. Why not do so, at least to start? If you want a simpler model that is "easier to read for clinicians" you can always pull back from that, trading off the loss of predictive ability against the parsimony you achieve.

In terms of centering continuous variables like BMI, that will make interpretation of the intercept and the coefficients of predictors with which it interacts easier to interpret, but it won't affect any predictions from your model.

In terms of interpreting your model, you are predicting individual values of X as a function of all of your predictors, including Time. So you need to evaluate interactions to see whether there are combined effects of individual predictors that are different from what you would expect from each predictor individually. That's not only true for things like Time and sex as in one of your mini-models to see if the effect of Time on outcome depends sex, but also for BMI and sex if you think that the association of BMI with outcome depends on sex, and so on.

With the default treatment coding used in R, the interpretation of coefficients and interaction terms is straightforward if tedious. The intercept is the estimated value when all continuous predictors have values of 0 and all categorical predictors are at their baseline levels. The individual coefficient for a predictor involved in interactions is its extra association with outcome when all its interacting predictors are at 0 or reference values. Two-way interaction coefficients represent the differences in outcome between what you would predict from the individual coefficients and what you get with both together.

In response to comment:

The principles in the previous paragraph can be applied to your model mod3.lme. With female as the reference condition (sex = 0), then we can say the following:

The intercept of $687.2$ is the estimated outcome for a female at Time =0.

For a female, the outcome increases by $2.77$ per unit of Time, the coefficient for Time. (I think you might have misinterpreted the Time coefficient; it's for the reference "female" condition of the interacting sex predictor, while you seem to have taken it to be the coefficient for "male.")

For a male at Time = 0, the estimated outcome is $687.2 + 17.3 = 704.5$ (intercept plus coefficient for sex = 1). (Men start at that level at Time = 0, not at $687.2$ as you seem to imply in part of the question.)

For a male, the estimated outcome increases by $2.77-1.78=0.99$ per unit time, the Time coefficient plus the Time:sex interaction. (You were correct that the change per unit time is $1.78$ greater for females than males according to the interaction term, but see above for the misinterpretation of the Time coefficient itself.)

You apply the same interpretations to all predictors involved in interactions. I find it's best to think things through one coefficient at a time, asking just what that coefficient represents and the corresponding value(s) of the predictor(s) by which to multiply the coefficient, then adding all the terms up. That's tedious, but it's the best way I know to avoid errors. Or you can use software designed to make such estimates easier. Many find the emmeans package in R to be a help.

  • $\begingroup$ thank you for this very comprehensive explanation. I have 3 question: 1) could you give me an example of a 2-way-fixed-effect interaction based on my variables? 2) would the bit "my interpretation" be correct based (I know the model is not correct, but if it were) and 3) The variables that are not time in model 1 contribute to a crossectional change, how would you add those coeffcients? - I am confused on the interpretation (I know the intercept is the value when all is 0 etc but I am wondering how to sum up the coefficients when you have crossectional and longitudinal info together. $\endgroup$
    – Lili
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 14:56
  • $\begingroup$ @Lili I edited the question to address most of your comment. A predictor whose value changes over time for an individual in your data will be modeled according to its value at the particular Time. For making predictions from the model, if you want to allow for a change in a predictor value over time, just set up the predictor values at each time to be what you wish, get separate predictions for each time with the corresponding set of predictor values, then take the difference. $\endgroup$
    – EdM
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 16:42
  • $\begingroup$ this is awesome! Very useful as always (this is not the first time I use one of your answers) - thank you! :) $\endgroup$
    – Lili
    Commented May 7, 2021 at 16:25
  • $\begingroup$ one last question: how would you interpret an interaction of 2 continuous variables (for example Time:bmi) ? $\endgroup$
    – Lili
    Commented May 7, 2021 at 17:49
  • $\begingroup$ @Lili Ian an interaction between continuous predictors can be thought of like this: how much does a one-unit change in Time alter the response to a one-unit change in BMI? (And vice-versa.) $\endgroup$
    – EdM
    Commented May 7, 2021 at 17:53

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