
Hernan and Robins provide a proof for the equivalency of inverse probability weights and standardization for estimating the potential outcome mean that I am struggling to follow (technical point 2.3, page 24 of the first edition, excerpts pasted below).

There are two steps that I don't understand.

(1) Why is it that we can they rewrite the first term as the second, specifically replacing the $f[A|L]$ with $f[a|l]$. And then, why is it that we can replace the indicator function in the numerator with the expected value (i.e. $(I(A=a)Y)$ with $E[Y[A=a, L=l]]$ now that they are summing over $l$)? Canceling $f(a|l)$ from the numerator and denominator I understand.

$$\begin{align*}\text{E}\left[\frac{I(A=a)Y}{f\left[A|L\right]}\right] & = \sum_{l}{\frac{1}{f[a|l]}\{\text{E}[Y|A=a,L=l]\phantom{.}f[a|l]\phantom{.}\text{Pr}[L=l]\}}\\ & = \sum_{l}\{\text{E}[Y|A=a,L=a]\phantom{.}\text{Pr}[L=l]\}\end{align*}$$

(2) In the second line of this proof, again, I don't understand the implications of $f[A|L]$ as compared to $f[a|L]$, though I understand it's made possible by conditioning on $L$. And similarly, why is it that we can "move" $Y(a)$ out of the first expectation and multiply by $E[Y(a)|L]$ because of conditional exchangeability?

$$\text{E}\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[A|L]}Y\right]\text{ is equal to }\text{E}\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[A|L]}Y^{a}\right]\text{ by consistency.}$$

$$\begin{align*}&\text{Next, because positivity implies }f[a|L]\text{ is never 0, we have}\\\\ &\text{E}\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[A|L]}Y^{a}\right]= \text{E}\left\{\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[a|L]}Y^{a}\Big{|}L\right]\right\}= \text{E}\left\{\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[a|L]}\Big{|}L\right]\text{E}\left[Y^{a}|L\right]\right\}\\\\ & \text{(by conditional exchangeability).}\\\\ & = \text{E}\left\{\text{E}\left[Y^{a}|L\right]\right\}\text{(because }\text{E}\left[\frac{I(A=a)}{f[a|L]}\Big{|}L\right]=1\text{)}\\ & = \text{E}\left[Y^{a}\right]\end{align*}$$

Hernan/Robins discuss $f[A|L]$ as compared to $f[a|l]$ in technical point 2.2, which helps somewhat, but, I'm not sure I understand what it means to evaluate $A$ and $L$ at random arguments as opposed to fixed arguments.

enter image description here

Any help with the intuition, or the mathematical properties of expectations that make these steps possible would be greatly appreciated.


1 Answer 1


I'm studying Hernan and Robins as well, and I was stuck on these steps as well. Here's my best attempt at explaining them.

  1. The expectation is actually being taken jointly over $Y, L, A$, and there's a lot of cancellations wrapped up in the equality. To see this, taking the expectation over the three variables yields the triple summation

$$\sum_\ell \sum_y \sum_{a'} \frac{I(A=a)}{f[a\mid \ell]} Y \; \mathbf{Pr}[Y = y, A = a, L = \ell].$$

The summands are zero for all $a'$ such that $a' \neq a$ ($A$ is discrete, but not necessarily dichotomous), so we can drop the summation in $a'$: $$\sum_\ell \sum_y \frac{1}{f[a\mid \ell]} Y \; \mathbf{Pr}[Y = y, A = a, L = \ell].$$

Using the chain rule of probability (and rearranging some terms), we can then write

$$\sum_\ell \frac{1}{f[a\mid \ell]} \sum_y Y \;\mathbf{Pr}[Y = y \mid A = a, L = \ell]\;f[a \mid \ell]\; \mathbf{Pr}[L = \ell]$$

where I'm directly substituting in the shorthand $f[a \mid \ell] = \mathbf{Pr}[A = a \mid L = \ell]$.

After canceling, the summation in $y$ can be transformed into an expectation with respect to $Y$, and we end up with

$$\sum_\ell \mathbb{E}[Y \mid A = a, L = \ell] \; \mathbf{Pr}[L = \ell]$$ as needed.

  1. I think a point of confusion is that $f[A \mid L]$ is actually a conditional density function. Then $f[a \mid \ell]$ is that density function evaluated for values $A = a, L = \ell$. Similarly, $f[a \mid L]$ as used later in the proof is also a density function, but here $A$ is fixed as $a$.

For why we've replaced $f[A \mid L]$ with $f[a \mid L]$ in the proof, note that the inner expectation is over $L, A$ jointly. Similarly to part 1, any summand of the resultant expectation summation such that $A \neq a$ goes to 0. That is, the only "part" of $f[A \mid L]$ that we care about for the purposes of the proof is that in which $A = a$.

Then, for the 2nd part of your 2nd question on moving $Y^a$ out of the expectation, this is indeed due to conditional exchangeability ($Y^a \perp \!\!\! \perp A \mid L$). We have a product of a function of random variables $A$ and $Y^a$, so we can simply separate them as given in the textbook (conditioned on $L$).

Let me know if you have any questions about this!


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