I'm struggling with the interpretation of a regression model. My advisor wants me to check whether the effect of a treatment dummy varies with several dummy variables in one model (female dummy, high education dummy and high income dummy).
The regression model looks like this:
$$ y = b_0 +b_1 treatment+b_2 female+b_3 higheduc+ b_4 highincome+b_5 treatment \cdot female +b_6 treatment \cdot higheduc +b_7 treatment \cdot highincome + errorterm $$
I know that in a model with only one interaction (e.g. of female and treatment), the interaction term shows me how much the treatment effect differs among females relative to the basecategory of males. But how is it when I have more than one interaction of the treatment dummy with demographics? Is this still interpretable as the average difference in the treatment effect between gender groups?
I do not think so because the treatment dummy should then show the treatment effect for all interaction dummies equal to zero, i.e. for males having no high income and no high education?
In my view I would have to run 3 regressions, one for each check whether the treatment effect varies with the demographics. But maybe you can correct me :)
Best regards!