I have a binary logistic regression with just one binary factor predictor. I would like to report the 'risk ratio' (probability ratio) with a confidence interval. I'm using R 4.0.4 for statistical computing.
Here's some data:
> dat <- data.frame(record=c(rep(1,11), rep(0,50-11), rep(1,20),
rep(0,50-20)), group=as.factor(c(rep("A", 50),
rep("B", 50))))
> tapply(dat$record, dat$group, mean)
0.22 0.40
The risk ratio equals 0.40 / 0.22 = 1.82.
A logistic regression (with logit link) returns an odds ratio (OR):
> mod <- glm(record ~ group, data=mydata, family=binomial)
> antilogit(c(coef(mod)[1], sum(coef(mod)))) # probabilities
0.22 0.40
> exp(c(coef(mod)[2], confint(mod)[2,])) # OR and confidence interval
Waiting for profiling to be done...
groupA 2.5 % 97.5 %
2.363636 0.998533 5.826774
The antilogit function converts logits to probabilities:
> antilogit <- function(x) {
I can convert the OR to a risk ratio (RR) using the formula (e.g. Zhang & Yu 1998. What's the relative risk? JAMA 280) RR = OR / (1 - p0 + p0 * OR):
> 2.363636 / (1-0.22+0.22*2.363636)
[1] 1.818182
Converting the OR confidence interval to a RR one is tricky because the intercept (p0) changes with the slope (OR). This is wrong:
> ORINT=exp(confint(mod)[2,]) # OR interval
Waiting for profiling to be done...
> c(ORINT[1]/(1-0.22+0.22*ORINT[1]), ORINT[2]/(1-0.22+0.22*ORINT[2]))
2.5 % 97.5 %
0.9988554 2.8259379
I thought to estimate the intercepts for the OR interval using glm():
> dat$group=as.numeric(dat$group)-1 # convert factor to dummy variable
> ORINT=confint(mod)[2,] # log(OR) interval
> # estimate p0 for log(OR) interval
> p0INT=c(coef(glm(record ~ offset(ORINT[1]*group), data=dat,
coef(glm(record ~ offset(ORINT[2]*group), data=dat,
> p0INT=antilogit(p0INT) # convert to probabilities
> p0INT
(Intercept) (Intercept)
0.3101570 0.1377992
> ORINT=exp(ORINT) # convert to OR
> c(ORINT[1]/(1-p0INT[1]+p0INT[1]*ORINT[1]),
2.5 % 97.5 %
0.9989875 3.4992996
What I have calculated is RR = 1.82 with a 95% confidence interval (1.00, 3.50). Notice that these results are quite different to those for OR because p0 is not small (see the equation above: if p0 is small then OR ~ RR).
For comparison, here are some direct risk ratio estimates from a log binomial and a quasipoisson model (e.g. Naimi & Whitcomb 2020. Estimating risk ratios and risk differences using regression. AJE 189):
> mod=glm(record ~ group, data=dat, family=binomial(log))
> exp(c(coef(mod)[1], sum(coef(mod)))) # probabilities
0.22 0.40
> exp(coef(mod)[2]) # RR
> exp(confint(mod))[2, ] # RR interval
Waiting for profiling to be done...
2.5 % 97.5 %
0.9989799 3.5578943
> mod=glm(record ~ group, data=dat, family=quasipoisson) # quasipoisson is used to adjust for underdispersion
> exp(c(coef(mod)[1], sum(coef(mod)))) # probabilities
0.22 0.40
> exp(coef(mod)[2]) # RR
> exp(confint(mod))[2, ] # RR interval
Waiting for profiling to be done...
2.5 % 97.5 %
0.9940394 3.4519283
My conversion from OR interval to RR interval seems OK. Any comments? I haven't thought about how this method could be implemented for more complicated models (and it's not a priority now).
Yes, this is a lot of work for a simple dataset (but it's easy to write a function to do the conversion). The reason I want to convert ORs to RRs is because I sometimes encounter complete separation (p = 0 for one of the groups) and then use penalized-likelihood (Firth 1993. Bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates. Biometrika 80) to obtain sensible estimates. The R packages logistf 1.24 and brglm 0.7.2 do penalized likelihood but will not accept a log link (and can't estimate RR directly). The R package brglm2 0.7.1 does penalized likelihood and integrates well with the glm() function (it can accept a log link) but doesn't compute profile penalized-likelihood intervals (and Wald tests and intervals for logistic regression are quite unreliable). The R package brglm2 0.7.1 also will not accept quasipoisson. I also had a look at the probratio() function in the R package epitools, which converts OR to RR but returns Wald intervals.
I could have simply used a chi-squared test or prop.test() to estimate differences:
> tab=table(dat)
> tab
record 0 1
0 39 30
1 11 20
> chisq.test(tab, correct=FALSE)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: tab
X-squared = 3.7868, df = 1, p-value = 0.05166
> prop.test(c(11,20), c(50,50), correct=FALSE)
2-sample test for equality of proportions without continuity correction
data: c(11, 20) out of c(50, 50)
X-squared = 3.7868, df = 1, p-value = 0.05166
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.357828257 -0.002171743
sample estimates:
prop 1 prop 2
0.22 0.40
However, RR has been reported in previous work and is the most informative measure of the contrast between groups for my study.