I am referring to the so-called optimized CART algorithm that is explained on Scikit learn's website: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/tree.html#mathematical-formulation
I would appreciate if anyone can clarify the following:
Referring to section 1.10.7 and
- For each node $m$, a candidate split is $\theta = (j, t_m)$. $j$ is a feature, so it is an integer from $\{1, \ldots, n\}$. I am confused about how $t_m$ is practically selected. Since each $x_i$ is a real $n$-dimensional vector, therefore $t_m$ is a real number. How do we select these real numbers and how many do we select?
Obviously, we can select them more or less randomly. But this is probably not ideal.
So I am thinking Scikit learn probably computes an interval $[\min(x_j), \max(x_j)]$ and sample $t_m$ within this set. But how many? The computational requirement is huge as we increase the number of $t_m$ to search for the best architecture.
Alternatively, since $t_m \in \mathbb{R}$, they could be using an optimization routine to search over $t_m$. But that optimization problem (the impurity/loss function) is probably not convex. So any solution would be suboptimal any ways.
- How does this algorithm determine the total depth of this tree? That is, the largest number $m$. I noticed there is an undefined $\min_\text{samples}$ parameter. Is this a parameter that the designer set? If so how?
Thanks in advance.