According to Elliott & Timmermann "Economic Forecasting" (2016) p. 429-430,
Calibration requires that if a density forecast assigns a certain probability to an event, then the event should occur with the stated probability over successive observations.
For any <...> event, $A$, if the associated density forecast $\int_A p_Y (y|z)(y)\ dy = p$, calibration requires that $P(y_{t+1} \in A)$ is indeed equal to $p$, conditional on the same information.
I wonder how one could assess calibration of a density forecast. I think Kolmogorov-Smirnov test applied on the probability integral transform (PIT) of realized values vs. the theoretical Uniform[0,1] distribution could be used for that, following Section 3 of Diebold et al. (1998). The PIT would be based on the distribution that is implied by the density forecast. However, use of the test is not mentioned in the textbook (it says Most attempts to examine calibration lead to informal rather than formal hypothesis tests and goes on to discuss some difficulties with assessing calibration), so I am probably missing something.
Q: Does Kolmogorov-Smirnov test applied on the probability integral transform (PIT) of realized values vs. the theoretical Uniform[0,1] distribution assess calibration of a density forecast?
- Diebold, F. X., Gunther, T. A., & Tay, A. S. (1998). Evaluating Density Forecasts. International Economic Review, 39(4), 863-883.
- Graham, E., & Timmermann, A. (2016). Economic Forecasting. Princeton University Press.
package doing that in the context of density forecasting:PIT_test
. Regarding why not compare data with CDF: because CDF may be different for each datapoint under $H_0$ of correct density forecast, making it inconvenient to test. How would one construct a test statistic from that? Meanwhile, PIT will be Uniform[0,1] for each datapoint under $H_0$. I think the main argument for choosing PIT over raw data is convenience. $\endgroup$