I am new to effect sizes and trying to calculate it for a repeated measure GLMM that looks like this:
variable ~ treatment * sampling occasion * year + (1|subject)
The variable is continuous, the treatment is categorical (two independent groups), the sampling occasion is discrete, the year is discrete, and subject is used as a random effect. The variable is measured at each sampling occasion on the same subject, hence the repeated measures.
Following Nakagawa & Cuthill 2007, I believe I should use the equation from Rosenthal (1994):
$$ d = t_{unpaired} + \sqrt{\dfrac{(n_1+n_2)}{n_1n_2}} $$
In this case, should I use the total n for each repeated measure or the real number of subjects in my experiment?
For example if I have 10 subjects in my first group, and 3 sampling occasion, is my n1 value 30 or 10?
Nakagawa, S., & Cuthill, I. C. (2007). Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: a practical guide for biologists. Biological reviews, 82(4), 591-605.