I'm currently estimating a DCC-type model by maximum likelihood. Im using the command solnp
and it return an object where I can compute the Hessian H evaluated at the optimal values.
If I want to find the covariance matrix of the estimators, following Davidson and MacKinnon (2004), I can compute $$ \hat{Var} ( \hat{\theta} ) = -H^{-1} ( \hat{\theta} ) $$ However, there is a robust estimation for distribution miss-especification: the sandwich estimator or the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE). It is as follows: $$ \hat{Var} ( \hat{\theta} ) = H^{-1} ( \hat{\theta} ) G^{T} ( \hat{\theta} ) G ( \hat{\theta} ) H^{-1} ( \hat{\theta} ) $$ where G is the gradient.
As solnp
does not compute the gradient, I am using the command gHgenb
to compute it at the optimal values of the parameters.
The problem is that when I compute the non-robust covariance matrix I get the following results:
Mean SE t Pvalue
[Joint]dcca1 0.0087397376 9.267334e-03 0.9430692 3.461028e-01
[Joint]dccb1 0.9653333580 1.255250e-02 76.9036529 1.723509e-278
0.0001513922 4.115874e-05 3.6782522 2.604074e-04
And when I compute the sandwich estimators I get the following results:
Mean SE t Pvalue
[Joint]dcca1 0.0087397376 6.622702e-09 1319663.4 0
[Joint]dccb1 0.9653333580 6.706874e-08 14393193.4 0
0.0001513922 1.538495e-10 984028.1 0
where the standard errors are extremely low.
The questions is: what should I do? Should I multiplicate any of the matrix by the number of observations (which one?)?, as Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) state that the non-robust matrix is: $$ \hat{Var} ( \hat{\theta} ) = -H^{-1} ( \hat{\theta} ) / T $$
Thank you so much.
Bollerslev, T., & Wooldridge, J. M. (1992). Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation and inference in dynamic models with time-varying covariances. Econometric reviews, 11(2), 143-172.
Davidson, R., & MacKinnon, J. G. (2004). Econometric theory and methods (Vol. 5). New York: Oxford University Press.