Say we have a multivariate normal distribution with non-zero covariance $\alpha$
$X \sim N \left(\mu = \left({\begin{array}{cc} 0 \\ 1 \end{array} } \right), \Sigma = \left({\begin{array}{cc} 1 & \alpha \\ \alpha & 1 \\ \end{array} } \right) \right)$
Now we take $m$ samples of same size $n$. Obviously the expected correlation of the two elements of $X$ in each sample of size $n$ is $\rho_1 = \rho_2 = ... = \rho_m = \alpha/1^2 = \alpha$.
Now suppose we create new random variables by taking the average $\bar{X} = \left({\begin{array}{cc} \bar{x_1} \\ \bar{x_2} \end{array} } \right)$ in each sample.
What is the expected correlation of the two elements of $\bar{X}$ among the $m$ data points we have now?
My intuitive response was that it is $\alpha$ as well, but after some thinking and simulations, I don't trust that intuition anymore. Approaching it formally, my idea would be to derive the formula for their covariance as
$\text{Cov}(\bar{x_1}, \bar{x_2}) = E(\bar{x_1} \bar{x_2}) - E(\bar{x_1}) \ E(\bar{x_2}) $
Once I know this covariance, I can calculate the correlation, since I know the variances of both $\bar{x}_1$ and $\bar{x}_2$ by the CLT, specifically here $\text{Var}(\bar{x}_1) = \text{Var} (\bar{x}_2) = 1/n$. However, I don't see any way to get to $E(\bar{x_1} \bar{x_2})$, which I need to calculate the covariance, which does not involve the covariance itself. For example, calculating the integral mentioned here requires a full specification of the joint PDF including covariance.
I am probably already off track though.