Let us assume the following scenario: The goal is to forecast the additional number of customers of a set of companies. To do this, you use a basic set of characteristics (e.g., company-specific characteristics and macroeconomic covariates) and are able to predict the figures quite well.
An employee at your company now says that she has collected a new dataset (e.g., 50 new features) that might be interesting to consider in the estimation process to further improve the performance of your machine learning models.
When you take the additional data into account, you notice better predictive performance, e.g. in terms of RMSE. However, the parameterization is also different because you have an additional set of 50 features.
In practice, can we say that the additional features make it possible to increase the performance metrics simply by comparing the two performance metrics? (Is this a fair comparison?) Or is it necessary to account for the different parameterization and the additional number of features?