First, probabilities are monotonic. This means the probability of any subset of an event cannot exceed the probability of the event itself.
Let $\mathcal S$ be an at most countable collection of events in a common probability space. (This generalizes the question, which concerns only finite collections.) Then, since $\cap \mathcal S \subset E$ for all $E\in \mathcal S$ (that is part of the definition of set intersection), monotonicity implies
$$\Pr(\cap \mathcal S) \le \Pr(E)$$
for all $E\in S.$ That is equivalent (by definition of the minimum, which I use interchangeably with "infimum" here) to
$$\Pr(\cap \mathcal S) \le \min_{E\in\mathcal S}(\Pr(E)).$$
Monotonicity also implies that for any collection $\mathcal T$ of events,
$$\Pr(\cup T) \le \sum_{F\in\mathcal T} \Pr(F).$$
Apply this to the set of complements of the original events, $\mathcal T = \{\Omega\setminus E\mid E\in\mathcal S\},$ allowing for DeMorgan's Law $$\Omega\setminus \cup\mathcal T = \cap\mathcal S.$$ From two applications of the complement rule we obtain
\Pr(\cap S) &= \Pr(\Omega\setminus \cup T) = 1 - \Pr(\cup T) \\
&\ge 1 - \sum_{F\in\mathcal T}\Pr(F) \\
&= 1 - \sum_{E\in \mathcal S}\Pr(\Omega\setminus E) \\
&= 1 - \sum_{E\in\mathcal S}(1-\Pr(E)).
$$1 - \sum_{E\in\mathcal S}(1-\Pr(E))\, \le\, \Pr(\cap \mathcal S)\, \le\, \min_{E\in\mathcal S}(\Pr(E)).$$
Often the left hand side is negative: in such cases, we may replace it with $0$ (because probabilities are non-negative). Obviously the lower bound can be positive only if $\mathcal S$ has nonempty intersection.
Let's show these are the tightest possible general bounds. It suffices to provide examples. Let $\Omega$ be the probability space on the set $\{0,1,2\}$ with the totally discrete sigma algebra and uniform probability measure. Let $\mathcal S = \{\{0,1,2\},\,\{2\}\}.$ Here, $\cap \mathcal S = \{2\}$ has probability $1/3$ and $$1-\sum_{E\in\mathcal S}(1-\Pr(E)) = 1 - \left(1-\Pr(\{0,1,2\}\, + \, 1 - \Pr(\{2\})\right) = 1 - (0 + 2/3) = 1/3.$$ The lower bound is attained.
Moreover, since $1/3$ is the smallest of the probabilities of the members of $\mathcal S,$ the upper bound is also attained, QED.