I have just started this introductory course to causal inference. The DAG approach is completely new to me even though I come from an econometric background (though that dates back to 15 years ago).
The discussion around confounders reminds me of the endogeneity problem in econometrics, especially when confounders are unmeasured (e.g. omitted variable bias). In this case, I remember instrumental variables to be a workaround strategy, and explaining IV with DAGs makes a lot more sense!
However, the prefered strategy with DAGs seems to be blocking backdoor paths by conditioning on confounders (which will allow the ignorability assumption $(Y^{0}, Y^{1} \perp A|X)$ to be valid). I am wondering how blocking a path from a confounder is actually different from including those confounder in the regression?
For simplicity, suppose we have this DAG :
I would believe that if $X$ (the confounder) is measured in addition to $A$ (the treatment), then regressing $Y$ (the outcome) on both variables would lead to correct estimates (supposing we are using the correct regression function).
Am I wrong?