I have a bunch of websites websiteA....websiteZ for example. Now I have an optimization technique that possibly improves the performance of these websites. I want to check whether this technique actually significantly effects the performance. So my dependent variable is apply_technique with the treatments enabled and disabled.
So for each website I measure the performance with and without the optimization technique applied. So I get results like this:
website | technique disabled | technique enabled
websiteA 20 seconds 17 seconds
websiteZ 45 seconds 39 seconds
However, to account for possible fluctations I measured each (website, treatment) combination 5 times so for websiteA I have 5 measurements with the technique disabled and 5 with the technique enabled. This then results in 26 websites * 2 treatments * 5 repetitions = 260 measurements.
My question is, when I want to do a paired t-test do I first need to average the performance over these 5 trials or not? I might lose some information when I average it right?
Could I also decide to not average them? So I have 130 technique_disabled observations and 130 technique_enabled observations and I then simply use these to do a paired t-test? Would that be acceptable?
EDIT: I see that the performance differences (technique_enabled - technique_disabled) are not normally distributed. So I will probably use a Wilcoxon signed rank test. However here the same question applies? Should I average the observations over the 5 trials or not?