Here is the relevant part from the code of cor.test()
r <- cor(x, y)
df <- n - 2L
ESTIMATE <- c(cor = r)
PARAMETER <- c(df = df)
STATISTIC <- c(t = sqrt(df) * r / sqrt(1 - r^2))
Which, when you run it with your generated sequences, produce STATISTIC
equal to 82191237
This happens because the computed r
value is not exactly equal to 1
r <- cor(seq(from=1, to=9, len=5), seq(from=2, to=10, len=5))
r == 1
print(r, digits=20)
[1] [1] 0.99999999999999977796
Plug in those numbers in the t-value calculation and you will get the observed result:
sqrt(3) * r / sqrt(1 - r^2)
[1] 82191237
This happens because of floating point representation errors. If the computed correlation would be exactly equal to one you would get t
value equal to infinity due to division by zero:
sqrt(3) * 1 / sqrt(1 - 1^2)
[1] Inf
Now, R is seems a bit inconsistent with machine precision corrections. Some tests round the value if the difference is smaller than maximum machine precision, while others don't. My feeling is that more popular tests often get more rigorous treatment. So for example in the code of a t.test()
you would find:
if(stderr < 10 *.Machine$double.eps * abs(mx))
stop("data are essentially constant")
One of my side projects is re-writing R tests to work on rows/columns of matrices, and, as an example, in that version I added a check for correlation being indistinguishable from 1 (within the range of machine precision rounding) with the following substitutions:
rs[abs(rs - 1) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5] <- 1
rs[abs(rs + 1) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5] <- -1
Which then in this specific case returns the correct result:
matrixTests::row_cor_pearson(seq(from=1, to=9, len=5), seq(from=2, to=10, len=5))
obs.paired cor df statistic pvalue conf.low conf.high alternative cor.null conf.level
1 5 1 3 Inf 0 1 1 two.sided 0 0.95
But you have to keep in mind that rounding machine precision errors is a double-edged thing. You cannot distinguish between two possibilities and have to favour one over the other. My reasoning was that correlation values extremely close to 1 will much more frequently occur due to low sample sizes, rather than any other cause (like using huge extremely correlated samples).
appears to exploit limitations of double-precision floating point representation to conclude $t=82191237:$ you can take this to be an arbitrarily large value. The correct p-value, BTW, is $0$ (exactly). $\endgroup$R
from the correlation of the inputs. That, in turn, is computed by thecor
function. Because of floating point rounding error, the correlation of the inputs is not exactly $1:$ it is a tiny bit less. Thus,t
is not computed as infinity. $\endgroup$