First, we have a state space model with mean reversion and $\mu$ is unknown
$y(t )= F* x_t +e_t$
$x_t- \mu = G* (x_{t-1}-\mu) +n_t$
There is a option to add unknown parameters to the state vector and pass them on with zero error to estimate them.
The state equation can be writen as
$$\pmatrix{x_t \\ \mu_t} = \pmatrix{G & I-G \\ 0 & I}\pmatrix{x_{t-1} \\\mu_{t-1}} + \pmatrix{n_t \\ 0}.$$
After that I can run the Kalman filter and get an estimate for $\mu$. The question is, which estimate is the one that would be equivalent to a maximum likelihood estimate in advance.
Is it the estimate that would result in the last time step?
Or to put it another way: $\mu_t$ changes over time. Which $\mu_t$ then represents the estimate, so to speak, if, for example, the estimate of $\mu$ is asked for? Is it the estimate from the last time step in the Kalman filter?
Would be very grateful for help.