I'm bouncing around "Causality" by Judea Pearl.
On page 222 it offers this definition of a direct cause:
"$X$ is a direct cause of $Y$" if there exist two values $x$ and $x'$ of $X$ and a value $u$ of $U$ such that $Y_{xr}(u) \not= Y_{x'r}(u)$ where $r$ is some realization of $V \setminus \{X, Y\}$.
My questions are:
- What is a "realization", is it the same as Wikipedia's Realization (probability) definition?
- What does the $\setminus$ symbol mean in the context of the two functions $X$ and $Y$? Can you give me an example?
- Finally, how do I use this definition in practice?
Let's say I have two structural causal models:
- $X \rightarrow Y$
- $X \rightarrow Q \rightarrow Y$
How does this definition of direct cause allow me to discover that $X$ is a direct cause in the first case, and $X$ is not a direct cause in the second case?