I have a logit model where the explanatory variable is the percent of total a total. As this is not a binary model I am unsure how to read the regression results.
I understand that the coefficient normally equates to the log odds which I can then convert to the probability using:
exp(coef) / (1 + exp(coef))
but I am still unsure how to interpret this in terms of the share of total explanatory.
for example: b_1 = 0.7166
so after converting to a probability: b_0 = exp(0.7166) / (1 + exp(0.7166)) = 0.6718
If I were interpreting this like an OLS (which I do not believe makes sense) I would say that a 1 point increase in the explanatory variable is associated with a 0.6718 percentage point increase in the dependent variable.
However, I do not know how to construct similar statement with the logit.
To make matters more complicated (at least to me) my explanatory variable is expressed as a decimal percent (i.e 10% = 0.10).
Should I first divide my coefficient by 100 so that initial part of my statement is correct "A one percentage point increase in.."?
Ultimately my goal is to be able to make a statement about how a change in the explanatory variable affects the share value of my dependent variable.