Why are hypothesis tests still used when we have the bootstrap and central limit theorem?
To give context to my question, I briefly go over the central limit theorem and illustrate a simulation example using the R programming language.
The Wikipedia page for the central limit theorem provides some very good explanations of this theorem:
If $X_1, X_2,..., X_N$ are $n$ random samples drawn from a population with overall mean $\mu$ and finite variance $\sigma^2$, and if $\bar{X}_n$ is the sample mean, then the limiting form of the distribution, $Z=\lim_{n\to+\infty}\sqrt{n}\Big(\frac{\bar{X}_n-\mu}{\sigma}\Big)$, is a standard normal distribution.
I understand this as follows:
1) Take many random samples from any distribution
2) For each of these random samples, calculate their mean
3) The distribution of these means will follow a normal distribution (this result is particularly useful for inferences, e.g. hypothesis testing and confidence intervals).
I tried to see if I correctly understood the central limit theorem by creating two examples using the R programming language. I simulated non-normal data and took random samples from this data, in an attempt to view the "bell curved shape" corresponding to the distribution of these random samples.
1) Non-parametric bootstrap
In this example, imagine there is a town and you are interested in the salaries earned by people living in this town: specifically, you are interested in knowing if 20% of the population earns more than US$80,000.00. Here is the distribution for salaries in this town (in real life, you would not know how this distribution looks like - you could only take samples from this distribution):
a = rnorm(100000, 20000, 1000)
a2 = rnorm(100000, 40000, 10000)
a1 = rnorm(100000, 100000, 10000)
salary = c(a, a1, a2)
id = 1:length(salary)
my_data = data.frame(id, salary)
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
hist(my_data$salary, 1000, ylab = "Number of People", xlab = " Salary ", main="Distribution for the Salaries of All People in Some Town: 300,000 People")
hist(our_sample$salary, 1000, ylab = "Number of People", xlab = " Salary ", main="Sample of the Full Data that we have Access to: 15,000 People")
Suppose we have access to the salaries of 5% of the people in this town (let's assume these are randomly chosen):
our_sample <- sample_frac(my_data, 0.05)
Next, we will take 1000 random samples from the 5% of this population we access to, and check the proportion of how many citizens earn more than US$80,000. I will then plot the distribution of these proportions - if I have done this correctly, I should expect to see a "bell curve shape":
results <- list()
for (i in 1:1000) {
train_i <- sample_frac(our_sample, 0.70)
sid <- train_i$row
train_i$prop = ifelse(train_i$salary >80000, 1, 0)
results[[i]] <- mean(train_i$prop)
results_df <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, results)
colnames(results_df)[1] <- "sample_mean"
As we can see, the original data was clearly non-normal, but the distribution for the mean of random samples from this non-normal data appears to look "somewhat normal":
par(mfrow=c(1, 3))
hist(my_data$salary, breaks = 10000, main = "full data")
hist(our_sample$salary, breaks = 10000, main = "sample of the full data that we have access too")
hist(results_df$sample_mean, breaks = 500, main = "resampled data by bootstrap from the data we hace access to")
Confidence Intervals:
In reality, 32.5% of all citizens in this town earn more than US$80,000
my_data$prop = ifelse(my_data$salary > 80000, 1, 0) mean(my_data$prop) [1] 0.3258367
Surprisingly, according to the resampled bootstrap data, only 32.5% of the citizens earn more than US$80,000
mean(results_df$sample_mean) [1] 0.3259046
The confidence interval is calculated as follows:
results_df$delta = abs(mean(results_df$sample_mean) - results_df$sample_mean)
sorted_results = results_df[order(- results_df$delta), ]
quantile(sorted_results$delta, probs = c(0.1, 0.9))
10% 90%
0.000495400 0.005977933
This means that the confidence interval for the the proportion of citizens who earn more more than US$80,000 is between 32.59% - but in fact can be anywhere between (32.59 - 0.0495400 %) and (32.59 - 5.97%)
Conclusion: As far as I understand, the central limit theorem states that for any distribution, the distribution of the means from random samples will still follow a normal distribution. Furthermore, the non-parametric bootstrap also allows you to evaluate population inference and confidence intervals - regardless of the population's true distribution. Thus, why do we still use classical hypothesis testing methods? The only reason I can think of, is when there are smaller sample sizes. But are there any other reasons?
for (i in 1:1000) {
) and otherwise format it consistently? Thanks in advance for your kind consideration of your readers. $\endgroup$