Here's a way to do it using the emmeans package. It involves creating an "identity" contrast, and using the scale
and offset
arguments. An example using the pigs
dataset follows:
pigs.lm = lm(log(conc) ~ source * factor(percent), data = pigs)
EMM = emmeans(pigs.lm, ~ percent | source, type = "response")
PRS = pairs(EMM)
# custom contrast function:
iden.emmc = function(levs, ...) {
M =
names(M) = levs
confint(contrast(regrid(PRS), "iden", scale = 100, offset = -100,
estName = "pct.diff"))
## source = fish:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## (9/12) -16.877 8.82 17 -35.5 1.73
## (9/15) -17.251 9.62 17 -37.5 3.05
## (9/18) -20.549 8.43 17 -38.3 -2.76
## (12/15) -0.449 10.57 17 -22.7 21.84
## (12/18) -4.418 9.07 17 -23.6 14.72
## (15/18) -3.986 10.19 17 -25.5 17.51
## source = soy:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## (9/12) -13.166 8.24 17 -30.6 4.22
## (9/15) -12.274 8.33 17 -29.8 5.29
## (9/18) -19.782 10.77 17 -42.5 2.94
## (12/15) 1.027 9.59 17 -19.2 21.26
## (12/18) -7.619 12.40 17 -33.8 18.55
## (15/18) -8.558 12.28 17 -34.5 17.34
## source = skim:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## (9/12) -18.480 7.74 17 -34.8 -2.15
## (9/15) -29.114 7.52 17 -45.0 -13.24
## (9/18) -41.167 7.90 17 -57.8 -24.50
## (12/15) -13.045 9.23 17 -32.5 6.43
## (12/18) -27.830 9.69 17 -48.3 -7.39
## (15/18) -17.004 11.82 17 -41.9 7.93
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Created on 2021-11-11 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
Note that we had to also use regrid(PRS)
because the ratios are not actually stored as such in the PRS
object -- just the instructions for how to summarize it.
Another approach
Another approach is to replace the log transformation with a custom one that back-transforms to the desired values:
mytran = list(
linkfun = function(mu) log(mu/100 + 1),
linkinv = function(eta) 100 * (exp(eta) - 1),
mu.eta = function(eta) 100 * exp(eta),
name = "pct.diff tran"
update(PRS, tran = mytran, inv.lbl = "pct.diff", infer = TRUE)
## source = fish:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value
## 9 / 12 -16.877 8.82 17 -38.5 12.39 -1.742 0.3339
## 9 / 15 -17.251 9.62 17 -40.5 15.16 -1.629 0.3897
## 9 / 18 -20.549 8.43 17 -41.2 7.43 -2.168 0.1723
## 12 / 15 -0.449 10.57 17 -26.4 34.60 -0.042 1.0000
## 12 / 18 -4.418 9.07 17 -27.0 25.19 -0.476 0.9634
## 15 / 18 -3.986 10.19 17 -29.0 29.82 -0.383 0.9802
## source = soy:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value
## 9 / 12 -13.166 8.24 17 -33.7 13.73 -1.487 0.4662
## 9 / 15 -12.274 8.33 17 -33.0 14.90 -1.380 0.5281
## 9 / 18 -19.782 10.77 17 -45.2 17.49 -1.642 0.3829
## 12 / 15 1.027 9.59 17 -22.9 32.32 0.108 0.9995
## 12 / 18 -7.619 12.40 17 -36.9 35.30 -0.590 0.9336
## 15 / 18 -8.558 12.28 17 -37.6 33.93 -0.666 0.9082
## source = skim:
## contrast pct.diff SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value
## 9 / 12 -18.480 7.74 17 -37.8 6.77 -2.152 0.1767
## 9 / 15 -29.114 7.52 17 -47.6 -4.15 -3.242 0.0225
## 9 / 18 -41.167 7.90 17 -59.8 -13.83 -3.952 0.0051
## 12 / 15 -13.045 9.23 17 -35.7 17.57 -1.317 0.5651
## 12 / 18 -27.830 9.69 17 -50.7 5.70 -2.430 0.1090
## 15 / 18 -17.004 11.82 17 -44.6 24.40 -1.309 0.5699
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates
## Intervals are back-transformed from the pct.diff tran scale
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates
## Tests are performed on the pct.diff tran scale
This produces the same estimates, but different confidence intervals. The reason is that the intervals (and tests) are still performed on the scale of the fitted model, rather than using the SEs of the ratios that we obtain after applying regrid(PRS)
in the previous solution. For that reason, this latter method produces the same confidence limits as we'd get by converting the original limits to the percent-difference scale:
with(confint(PRS), 100*(lower.CL - 1))
## [1] -38.52415 -40.53746 -41.24007 -26.37452 -27.02186 -28.99035 ...
Hence I think that this latter approach is "better."