What you need is a way of checking your mathematical analysis by means of a simulation that relies as little as possible on that analysis. Otherwise--if you base the code on your calculations--the code will give results that are only as correct as the calculations themselves. It wouldn't be much of a check at all.
In this instance, rejection sampling is an attractive prospect because the problem formulation makes this method very simple to implement and it's not too inefficient. (As we will see, only about two-thirds of the points will be rejected.) The idea is that projecting the uniform distribution of points $(x,y,z)$ where $0 \le z \le h(x,y)$ onto the $(x,y)$ plane (obviously) produces the given distribution, because the density of such points per unit area is--by construction--proportional to the range of possible $z$ values, $h(x,y)-0 = h(x,y).$
The only preliminary analysis needed is to note that the definition of the region $\mathcal A$ implies $-1\le x \le 1$ and $0\le y\le 1.$ Moreover, because $0\le y\le 1,$ it is obvious that $h(x,y) \le 3/2.$ Thus, the set of points $\mathcal E$ in question is wholly contained within the box $[-1,1]\times [0,1]\times [0,3/2]\subset\mathbb{R}^3.$ (It is a portion of a vertical cylinder.)
Rejection sampling generates uniformly random points within the box and just throws out any such points not in $\mathcal E.$
Here is the immediate solution in R
n <- 1e4
X <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -1, 1), y = runif(n, 0, 1), z = runif(n, 0, 3/2))
i <- with(X, 0 < y & x^2 + y^2 < 1 & z <= (3/2)*y) # Indexes of points to keep
X <- X[i, ]
The first line specifies how many points, n
, to generate within the box. The second line generates those points, component by component, as rows of a data frame. The third line identifies which points to keep, *simply by applying the formula for $h.$ The fourth line retains just those points in the data.frame object X
. ```
In this case, 3352 points of the original 10000 were retained, which is large enough to give precise indications of all three distributions. (You can reproduce this simulation by preceding it with set.seed(17)
You will want to examine the results. The realization of $(x,y)$ can be shown with its scatterplot (left panel) while their marginal distributions can be displayed with histograms (middle and right panels). The basic R
commands are
with(X, {plot(x,y); hist(x, freq=FALSE); hist(y, freq=FALSE)})
Because you are using this to check your density calculations, you can do so by superimposing graphs of the computed marginal densities on the histograms. I have used your expression $f_x(x) = (3/4)(1-x^2)$ in the second panel to check the marginal density of $x.$ (You can add another call to curve
to superimpose your computed expression for $f_y$ on the histogram for $y$ in the right panel.) The match is good: the slight deviations between the (middle) histogram and the graph can be attributed to random variation in the simulation. (Check this with a chi-squared test if you like.)
Appendix 1
You can use such results to approximate the marginal distributions, too. Given a value of $x,$ choose all $y$ values from points $(x^\prime,y)$ where $x^\prime$ is close to $x.$ The result is a mixture of conditional distributions in a narrow strip. Except near the extremes ($x$ near $\pm 1$ or $y$ near $1$) where the conditional distributions change rapidly, these mixtures will be reasonably close and will serve as an excellent check.
For instance, here are plots of the conditional $y$ distribution for four selected values of $x.$ They are based on the same simulation, but this time with a million points drawn (before rejection).
On these I have superimposed the graphs of $f_{y\mid x}(y) = -y/(x^2-1)I_{[0\le y\le \sqrt{1-x^2}]}(y).$ They check out nicely.
In the same manner, the conditional distributions of $x$ given $y$ can be approximated and plotted:
Because you have not supplied a formula for these densities, I haven't graphed anything on them for comparison. But the pattern is suggestive, isn't it? One would guess these are uniform distributions on an interval that shrinks as $y$ grows large. Referring to the left panel in the first figure will show you exactly how it shrinks.
Appendix 2
To create the first figure, the basic R
plotting commands were modified to decorate the plots, overplot the graph of $f_x,$ and make them fit in a single graphic:
with(X, {
plot(x, y, asp=1, cex=3/4, col="#00000040", main="Joint Distribution")
hist(x, freq=FALSE, breaks=25, main="Marginal Distribution of x")
curve((3/4)*(1-x^2), add=TRUE, lwd=2)
hist(y, freq=FALSE, breaks=25, main="Marginal Distribution of y")
These results (for larger values of n
) were used to create the second and third figures.