I am calculating the difference between concentration of different metabolites according to the factor sex (male/female) and age group (<55 / >=55) from this linear model:
model <- lm(metabolite ~ agegroup + sex, data =df)
emmeans(model, "agegroup")
sex = 0:
agegroup emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0 0.329 0.0291 2499 0.272 0.386
1 0.373 0.0327 2499 0.308 0.437
sex = 1:
agegroup emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0 -0.490 0.0303 2499 -0.549 -0.430
1 -0.446 0.0377 2499 -0.520 -0.372
Confidence level used: 0.95
Now I want to calculate the percentage of difference of male vs. female by age group and plot it. I am trying this
mean_diff_sex <- as.data.frame(emmeans::contrast(emmeans(model, "sex")))
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
1 0 effect -0.5206612 0.01737366 2499 -29.96842 7.576451e-169
2 1 effect 0.5206612 0.01737366 2499 29.96842 7.576451e-169
However, I am not sure if I can transform this estimate into the percentage of difference doing: ((2^estimate)-1)x100 or it would be better to using: Absolute difference / Average x 100
Thank you in advance for any help