I am playing with a simulator to look at how pre-test probability affects trial outcomes. Whilst looking at the p-values of 'control group' data it seems that they become more volatile and skewed towards 1 in the absence of a true effect.
I would have thought that if the null hypothesis is true then p-values should be evenly distributed and a histogram of them would be essentially flat. This effect seems to persist for a variable number of trial simulations, but become much more pronounced at a low n. I've included four histograms to illustrate.
- n of 5000 and 100,000 simulations:
- n of 500 and 100,000 simulations:
- n of 100 and 100,000 simulations:
- n of 5000 and 500 simulations:
MWE of the R code is:
# Variables to set
var_n = 5000 # Number in trial
var_cer = 0.2 # control event rate
var_nsim = 100 # number of simulations
# Trial run takes the control_event rate, the effect size of the intervention, and the number of trial participants, and runs a single simulation
trial_run = function(control_event_rate, effect_size, n){
n = 0.5 * n
control_alive = rbinom(1, n, control_event_rate) # Randomly generate control group events
treat_event_rate = control_event_rate - effect_size
treat_alive = rbinom(1, n, treat_event_rate) # Randomly generate treatment group events
trial_matrix = matrix(c(control_alive, n - control_alive, # Generate contingency table
treat_alive, n - treat_alive),
nrow = 2,
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)
result = data.frame(control_alive = trial_matrix[1,1],
control_dead = trial_matrix[1,2],
treat_alive = trial_matrix[2,1],
treat_dead = trial_matrix[2,2],
p_value = chisq.test(trial_matrix)$p.value)
# Run a bunch of simulations
control_vs_control = do.call("rbind",
trial_run(control_event_rate = var_cer,
effect_size = 0, #trial_run called with an effect size of 0 for control vs control
n = var_n), #number of c_c runs
simplify = FALSE))
to see the pmf clearly but the cdf has the advantage that the relationship to uniformity is made explicit (draw in the y=x line if it's not obvious) $\endgroup$