I'm not sure what to ask so forgive me if this is a bit all over the place. I've written a program to analyze the time it takes to query a data structure and generated a graph which shows on the Y axis, the time a query took and on the X axis the number of items in the structure. I didn't know what to expect at all but I'm trying interpret the results and objectively describe what I've recorded.
Probably from my description you can guess I'm a complete noob in the stats arena.
What I'm getting is something like this
Couple of questions come to mind:
How do I go about inferring anything from a graph like this?
Given the erratic Y values is there a common approach to somehow normalizing these?
It also doesn't seem like a situation where you'd just kinda draw a line of best fit and go with that...
Is that even the right thing to do? From my research so far people have mentioned standard deviation, log distribution and a host of other things but not being trained in this I don't understand when to use these things and what purpose they serve as it would apply to my case.
I could upload the real graph but I'd prefer some pointers as to how to approach this generally so that I can learn from it and have a better understanding to be able to do this next time.
Graph shown is taken from http://openclipart.org/detail/170148