I've trained a logistic regression using a small number of predictors - pseudo R-squared is only 0.1 but I have significant terms and a nice low p value for the model. However, even on its own training data, the AUC for the model is only 0.28:
I thought this was impossible, and my only intuition for what's going on is that the class imbalance (only 5% of the observations are in the positive class) means that the no information rate is pretty high. I still think my model should beat random guessing, at least on its own training data.
I assumed this was a coding error but I think I've ruled that out now, so can anyone explain to me how this is possible?!
I've looked for other discussions on here, most seem to focus on AUC < 0.5 on the test set which I can can more easily understand (e.g. here and here). This one came the closest, demonstrating that a predictor that's really just noise can come out below 0.5 - but I think my model has found some real relationships in the data...