I have three time series of same length, all containing magnitude measurements of the same event "A". But each time series is using a different method of measurement.
My goal is to merge the three time series into a single one, so that I can more easily find the "upward" and "downward" phases. (Like a smooth sinus-curve or binary data-set 1=up, 0=down.)
For instance, as you can see the "raw" measurement data is very noisy and looks like this for measurement system number 3:
To get a better understanding of the data I have used a Moving Average (window length 2000) to smooth the time series data for each measurement system 1 - 3, which yields the following figure:
Since they are measurements of the same event, and often have their peaks and valleys at similar times, I would like to merge the three time series into a single time series, with as little noise as possible. What methods should I try? I'm open to try anything!
I have tried using Fourier analysis (FFT in the SciPy package), but I cannot find any significant frequencies in any part of the data.
[edit for Whuber's comment] I unfortunately only have access to the MA smoothed data for all three, which has the following statistics (using DataFrame.describe() function):
- MA_measurement 1: mean 0.991957, std 0.156941
- MA_measurement 2: mean -0.000003, std 0.000016
- MA_measurement 3: mean -0.000800, std 0.000856
And using DataFrame.corr() to get the correlations between the (smoothed) measurement systems:
$$\begin{array}{c|c|c|c|} & \text{MA_meas3} & \text{MA_meas2} & \text{MA_meas1} \\ \hline \text{MA_meas3} & 1.000000 & 0.337050 & 0.297922\\ \hline \text{MA_meas2} & 0.337050 & 1.000000 & 0.807282 \\ \hline \text{MA_meas1} & 0.297922 & 0.807282 & 1.000000 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
For the unsmoothed (i.e. "raw") data I only have data for time series number 2 and 3:
- measurement 2: mean -0.000003, std 0.000747
- measurement 3: mean -0.000812, std 0.022399
And they have a correlation of Corr(meas2,meas3)=0.027199.
[edit 2] I have been able to get hold of the the MA data shown in the second graph (i.e. 3 subplots), hope this can be of use!
MA data measurement 1 MA data measurement 2 MA data measurement 3
[edit 3] To elaborate on Matt F.'s comment: I hope to find around 33 upward and downward phases in total (peaks + troughs) in each MA measurement series (see edit 2) of event A. In theory it should be cyclical, i.e. up -> down -> up -> down... etc.