Here's an example of the situation I'm having trouble with: I have data about car accidents and weather conditions where I would like to do a binary logistic regression to see how weather conditions correlate to car accidents occurring. However, my data only has weather conditions for when accidents occurred as every row of data represents an accident, in other words it only has the "1" case of the binomial and not the "0" case.
From what I understand there isn't a way to perform a binary logistic regression on whether or not a car accident occurred in this case. Is there another more meaningful way to find correlations in the weather data in my dataset? Is it even possible to correlate weather to car accidents with a dataset like this? In general, what kind of statistical tests can I use to find correlations in these types of situations? Am I looking at the problem wrong?
Responding to comment to clarify.
The car accidents data consist of only accidents that have come to my attention so it isn't every accident in a given area. Some of the accidents have occurred due to weather and some have not. The weather data consists of values such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, pressure, wind (speed/direction/gusts). All we know about the accidents is that they occurred, which is what caused them to be on the list.
Is there a way to test for a correlation/linear relationship in data like this? The part that is confusing me is that if I were to try to do a linear regression, I have nothing to put on the Y axis as everything is weather data and the value I are about (whether an accident occurred or not) is not part of the data in quantitative way.
Example Dataset:
The units are: id: int timestamp: YYYY-MM-DD:HH precipitation: mm relative humidity: % wind speed: m/s wind direction: degrees pressure: mb temperature: celsius