I'm trying to model count data on house sparrows numbers before and after mitigation measures and want to find out which of these measures affect their numbers (if any). I'm however not entirely sure how to tackle this issue.
My first idea was to combine the housesparrow numbers before and after the mitigation into one 'difference' variable. Because it is count data I was going to use a Poisson distribution, but the 'difference' variable of course contains negative values, so I can't. There's also the problem that a lot of migation was conducted without housesparrows actually being present, so the dataset has a lot of zeros and is thus probably zero-inflated. It is at the very least not normally distributed, so a model assuming a normal distribution is likely out of the question.
In other threads with similar issues I have seen people suggest using a negative binomial model, but as far as I know, the dependent variable in that model can't be negative either. Another thing I've seen suggested is keeping both counts of housesparrows (before and after mitigation) in the model, but I'm not sure how I would do that without making one of the counts the dependant variable and the other an independent variable alongside the already present independent variable of different mitigation measures.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!