I am using a LR model and its got 80% prediction accuracy on test data. For the 20% where it has predicted wrongly, I know the right answer of course. I wonder if there is some optimisation method where I can take the trained LR model and iterate the weights inside the model until the 20% failures are 10% for example. I could use an Evolutionary Strategy maybe. Has anybody done that with success or would this be a bad idea because it would lead to an overfit model?
I tried what I suggested and got a small improvement in accuracy but not much, less than 0.5 percent. This was with using hillclimbing to improve the weights from the model. I am trying with genetic algorithms next. I am using binary classification with a balanced dataset so threshhold 0.5 should be good, as far as i know.
My data is balanced, so accuracy is a good measure of model quality, as far as i know.
I am using Python sklearn implementation of LR , by the way. I already optimised the two parameters "C" and "penalty".