I want to be sure about train loss and validation loss to evaluate a model. My target is to train a model using (k-1
) folds and then test the model with the rest of the 1 fold
dataset and want to save the predictions.
Say, the MNIST digits dataset contains 70,000 (60,000 train and 10,000 test) images. I want to use k-fold cross-validation on the whole dataset (70,000 images).
Now, I trained a model using (k-1) folds based on the train loss
as the monitor. I am saving (at checkpoints) top 3
models based on the performance (train loss). So, if I have 3 epochs then I will do have 9 (3*3) models. Later, the rest of one fold dataset was used to test the model prediction/inference. However, I know, usually, people do use validation loss
to evaluate the best model.
K-fold code sample
dataset = prepare_data()
model = LightningMNIST(lr_rate=0.01)
for fold, (train_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(kfold.split(dataset)):
train_subsampler = torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler(train_idx)
val_subsampler = torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler(val_idx)
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, sampler=train_subsampler)
val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, sampler=val_subsampler)
model.apply(reset_weights) # resetting model weight for every fold
early_stopping = EarlyStopping('train_loss', mode='min', patience=5)
model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(dirpath=model_path+'mnist_{epoch}-{train_loss:.2f}',
monitor='train_loss', mode='min', save_top_k=3)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=epochs, profiler=False, callbacks = [model_checkpoint],default_root_dir=model_path)
trainer.fit(model, train_dataloader=train_loader)
trainer.test(test_dataloaders=val_loader, ckpt_path=None)
Now, my concern is, am I doing the wrong k-fold (my logic is wrong)? Should I use the 1 fold dataset for validation and use the validation loss
to check the model performance?
Note: I have used pytorch-lightning.