The data is:
My model is:
lmerTest::lmer(Depression ~ Adaptive_cers*Time*Group + (1|ID),
data = data, REML = TRUE)
Depression has two values (repeated DepressiveM_1 and DepressiveM_2), Adaptive_cers is continuous, and there are two Groups.
My result is:
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 20.89811 2.10492***
Adaptive_cers -0.20528 0.06753**
TimeDepressiveM_2 -1.02267 1.14710
GroupExperiment -2.66099 3.02068
Adaptive_cers:TimeDepressiveM_2 0.01897 0.03680
Adaptive_cers:GroupExperiment 0.07625 0.09661
TimeDepressiveM_2:GroupExperiment 4.36796 1.64695*
Adaptive_cers:TimeDepressiveM_2:GroupExperiment -0.08012 0.05269
I have couple of questions about reading the results:
Intercept is the DepressiveM_1 in GroupControl, I assume. The line after GroupExperiment, (Adaptive_cers:TimeDepressiveM_2) belong to the GroupExperiment or overall?
How can I read the results? How could it be possible to say one point change in the interaction of TimeDepressiveM_2:GroupExperiment increases TimedepressiveM_1 in GroupControl 4.36796 point since this is a between-subject component and not related to each other. It doesn't make sense to me. First two significant results does make sense since they are in the same Group, but what about between-factors? The important comparison should not be the baselines (intercept) but DepressiveM_2 in GroupControl and GroupExperiment, but the problem is DepressiveM_2 is not the intercept and -1.02267.
Basically: how can I interpret the third siginificant result: TimeDepressiveM_2:GroupExperiment
Thanks in advance!