I run a glmer model using two factors both as fixed effects and as random slopes. Here is the formula:
maximal_RTs.model = glmer(RTs ~ FT1* FT2+ (1+ FT1* FT2|Num_part)
, data = data_RTs_hands
, family=inverse.gaussian(link="identity")
, control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa"
, optCtrl=list(maxfun=1e6))
The model converges and the summary() functions show that the main effect of FT2 is significant and the interaction is significant, but the simple effect of FT1 is not significant.
Should I reduce the model by removing FT1? And if yes, should I remove it from the fixed effects or the random slopes?
Thank you,
predictor can lead to an apparent change in the "significance" of theF1
"main effect." See this page. $\endgroup$