The short version of my model is that I have ran a logistic regression (logisticmodel<-glm(FishObs~CGDD, family = binomial, data = dat1)) looking at when fish were observed (denoted by 0 or 1, 1 being observed) against thermal cues (CGDD). I ran this core model with three years of data (2015-2017) that I pooled together and did not account for year. I then used this core model and trained it on an additional year of data(2018) to look at misclass, sensitivity and specificity. 2015, 2017, and 2018 have 365 points of data. 2016 has 366 points of data for the leap year.
Where I am stuck is understanding some theory…
I was advised to pool data from (2015-2017) and train it against the 2018 data. But I am wondering if this model is inaccurate without considering year as a random factor. I am wondering under what conditions it makes sense or is appropriate to pool the data? I did run the model with year as a random factor, and the model worked but I was unable to determine the predicted probabilities. Perhaps limited by my R knowledge.
When using 2015-2017 data and training it against 2018, is there logic to this decision? My concern would be had I of ran 2016-2018 against 2015 for example, the outcome of the core model would be different.