For a high school maths paper I have been attempting to model the monthly unemployment rate in the USA since January 1948.
I chose to create an AR/Auto-regression model to forecast future unemployment rates. I completed the Dickey-Fuller test, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, I did the PACF and ACF plots. All of these I did manually and using computer programes.
I then chose to create an AR(1) model with a constant. I used the OLS method to find the coefficient of the only regressor. I also calculated the parameters for the error term and I ended up with the following equation (this calculation was done manually):
$$Y_t = -1.64034 + 0.96784 Y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t$$ $$\varepsilon_t \sim N(0, 2.965358)$$
(The 2.965 value is for $\sigma^2$)
I then double-checked with a computer program and the coefficient and intercept are correct, and so are the error parameters.
The aim for the paper was to model and forecast therefore I used python to model and forecast unemployment.
I got the following plot (quick note there are 890 months in total from January 1948 to the most recent data): For months 0 to 1000
for months 880 to 1000
for months 400 to 450 (just to visualize my question):
The issue with what it plots has to do with my understanding of an AR model and its error term. The error term is a random variable, in other words, each error term is independent from the other and the error can represent any value within those parameters.
However, from my interpretation of this, each model, or each time I code this model I should get another plot no? If those errors are random, each time I plot the function it should give me a slightly different one. I understand that that's what the grey area represents, all the possibilities. However, why isn't that also the case for the months before 2022.
The model isn't influenced by the data from 1948 to 2022, or is it? I used the data to estimate the model, but after that, it should be independent no? I have the equation so each point can be plotted without data being put in? I have a constant and then each data point beyond month 2 can be based on the previous point, not the data from 1948 to 2022?
Furthermore, when forecasting it gives me an area of 95% confidence, can I code for one specific forecast. What I mean by that is, can't I code one run, or one possibility for the future?