I'm studying second order optimization methods in statistics, and I've run into a conceptual barrier that I was hoping someone can help me with.
First for some notation: consider a sample $X_1,\dots,X_n\thicksim P_{\theta^\star}$ [edit: $\theta^\star$ is the true, unknown parameter. I had originally denoted it as $\theta_0$, which has been misunderstood as the first of the iterates $\theta_k$ discussed below -- sorry for the poor notation], and our goal is to find the MLE $$\hat\theta=\operatorname{arg\,max}_{\theta}L(\theta)=\operatorname{arg\,max}_{\theta}\sum_{i=1}^n\ell(X_i, \theta)=\operatorname{arg\,max}_{\theta}\sum_{i=1}^n\log P_{\theta}(X_i)$$. We consider two iterative algorithms:
- Newton-Raphson: $\theta_{k+1}=\theta_k + (-\nabla^2 L(\theta_k))^{-1}\nabla L(\theta_k)$
- Fisher scoring/natural gradient: $\theta_{k+1}=\theta_k + (I(\theta_k))^{-1}\nabla L(\theta_k)$, where under the usual assumptions $$I(\theta)=E_{\theta^\star}[-\nabla^2 L(\theta)].$$ [edit:the expectation in this formula must be over $\theta$ instead of over $\theta^\star$, this misunderstanding was at the core of my confusion.]
Now, it seems to me that: since we don't know $\theta^\star$ (and therefore expectations under $P_{\theta^\star}$ can't be computed), it follows that to implement Fisher scoring we must approximate $I(\theta_k)$ with some approximation, for instance $(\nabla L(\theta_k))^\top(\nabla L(\theta_k))$ or $-\nabla^2 L(\theta_k)$. The first approximation is reminiscent of the Gauss-Newton algorithm, and the second is exactly Newton-Raphson.
Assuming what I have written above is correct/makes sense, my question is: am I correct that in implementation, Fisher scoring is always carried out by an approximation like the above? Is it ever possible to carry out "exact" Fisher scoring using the expected information matrix? I've read a lot of sources where these algorithms are presented separately, so I'm uncertain, and I'd appreciate any clarification. Sorry if this is a duplicate -- there are lots of similar questions here which I have read, but I could not find one that addressed my question.