I am conducting survival analysis, investigating the association between a binary factor
(TRUE/FALSE) and all cause mortality. I use the rms
> m <- cph(dead ~ factor, data=dta)
> summary(m)
... Low High ... Effect
factor - TRUE:FALSE 1 2 0.14
In my interpretation, this means a HR of exp(0.14)=1.15 for those with factor == T
gives me the estimates of the log Relative Hazard - and I would have assumed that it would be 0 for FALSE
and 0.14 for TRUE
- but this is not the case:
> Predict(m)
... yhat
factor.1 FALSE -0.0014
factor.2 TRUE 0.14
I have to admit that I don't understand this. If this is the relative hazard, what is it relative to? There are no missing data or values other than TRUE