This paper introduces Stochastic Gradient Meta RL (SGMLR). My question is specifically about the computation. One needs to calculate the Hessian, $\nabla^2_\theta J_i(\theta)$ which is given by the following equations: $$\nabla^2J_i(\theta)=\mathbb{E}_{\tau\sim q_i(\cdot,\theta)}[u_i(\tau,\theta)]$$ where $$u_i(\tau,\theta)=\nabla_\theta v_i\nabla_\theta \log q_i(\tau,\theta)^T+\nabla_\theta^2v_i(\tau,\theta)$$ where $$v_i(\tau,\theta)=\sum_{h=0}^H\log\pi_i(a_h|s_h)\mathcal{R}_i^h(\tau)$$
My question is about the second equation, specifically the term $\nabla_\theta \log q_i(\tau,\theta)$, where $q_i(\tau,\theta)$ is the probability of trajectory $\tau=(s_0,a_0,s_1,a_1,...,s_H,a_H)$ if the policy has parameters $\theta$. More precisely, I don't know how to calculate/estimate that term, and unfortunately the paper does not address that.
I was looking at their code here, but I can't seem to find where they calculate that term or what they do with that term. I'd appreciate any help.