My team and I are trying to identify group of customers to target for an investment promotion exercise. We decided to use the control group (which already are a part of this investment exercise) and use distance metrics on our test group (people we want to identify).
As we have 50+ attributes, we decided to use Manhattan distance for our nearest neighbor approach. The ideology being that if a point A in test group is closer to point B in control group (in their respective feature spaces).
Now the challenge is how to visualize this in real world:
As these are amount variables involved, we had to scale our control and test groups to a normalized scale space. Consider information on points A and B (as above) -
Scaled Feature space Raw Feature Space
Point Gross Amount Gross Amount
A1 0.1 2028
B1 0.4 10027921
B2 0.5 30010374
In the above example A1 and B1 are the 'nearest' neighbors as A1 is closer to B1 than B2 from the control group but if we were to actually look at the raw gross amounts, 2k is closer to 10M than 30M but is it 'close'?
I think this is more of a theoretical question of how to explain such disparity in numbers for the uninitiated with distance metrics or nearest neighbors concept.