In the scaled dot product attention they multiply a "softmaxed" matrix (which has shape (sequence_length, sequence_length) I think?) to the V matrix as shown
What does the second purple matmul actually scale explained in an algebra fashion?
Also if I have a matrix a
of shape (home_count, furniture_type_count)
to store the furniture I need for every home. And a matrix b
of shape (store_count, furniture_type_count)
to store the price for every furniture at every store. Then a*transpose(T)
gives the total price I need to pay if I buy all furniture at each store if I'm not wrong. But when building some layers in deep learning it gets very hard to understand what that multiplcation actually does. Is there a good way to understand such operations? For example how to explain the purple matmul scale mechanism used in the attention mentioned above?
EDIT : By 'scale' in the picture I meant 'weight'