I estimated a random effects panel model and performed the Breusch-Pagan (BP) test for heteroskedasticity. The test is significant, meaning that there is heteroskedasticity. However, the residual plot seems not to have a clear fanning-in our fanning-out pattern.
Also, even after removing outliers with very low or high residuals, the BP test remains significant. How should I interpret the significance of the test that is in contrast with the residual plot?
Residual plot before removing outliers (sig BP test):
Residual plot after removing outliers (also sig BP test):
The model I use is the following:
plm(ln(gini_eurostat) ~
ln(intraEU_trade_bymemberstate_pct) +
FDI_in_pctGDP + FDI_out_pctGDP +
unempl_pct +
lnpop +
marketcap_pctGDP +
naturalresources_pctGDP +
ln(socialbenefits) +
ln(tech_exports_pctexports) +
ln(GDP_percap_constantLCU) +
ln(intraEU_trade_bymemberstate_pct) *
data=pdf, model="random")