I've been going over Berger's famous example of negative binomial vs binomial sampling leading to two different p-values conditional on the same observed data. To summarize, suppose we observe 9 tails and 3 heads. We could have arrived at this data set by 1) flipping a coin until we see 3 heads or 2) flipping 12 coins. The first corresponds to negative binomial sampling and the second to binomial sampling. Berger goes on to argue that the p-value derived from the following test
$$H_0: p=.5$$ $$H_a: p \neq .5$$
will give different answers based on the sampling scheme.
At first I thought the LRT would get around this problem, but if you compute the LRT under binomial, you get:
$$\lambda_{lr} = -2 \ln\left[\frac{\sup_{\theta \in {.5}} L(\theta)}{\sup_{\theta \in {\Omega}} L(\theta)}\right]$$
$$\lambda_{lr} =-2\ln\left[ \frac{\binom{ 12 }{3} .5^9(1-.5)^3}{\binom{12 }{3} \hat{p}^3(1-\hat{p})^9}\right ]$$ where $$\hat{p} = \bar{x}$$
As we can see the binomial coefficient drops out. This also happens for a negative binomial, however, $\hat{p}$ is no longer $\bar{x}$, meaning you get a different answer and therefore different test statistic and different asymptotic p-value.
However, in the case a of specific point alternative, it seems to me that the binomial coefficients do drop out and give the same asymptotic p-value for both negative binomial and binomial LRTs.
Big picture question: do composite LRTs violate the likelihood principle but simple LRTs do not?