I have a simple question about QQ plots in simple linear regression, but I am a bit confused about the plot: depending where i look the y axis is different: it can be either 1) residuals 2) standardized residuals 3) the actual independent variable. I wonder which one is better to use? I know that we are checking the assumption of normality: that errors are normally distributed (so residuals ). Does it imply that my independent variable is also normally distributed? and what should be a proper y-axis?
I got a response in one of the chat: They are all identical for the purpose of normality checking. If the residual, epsilon, is normally distributed then Y = XB + epsilon is normally distributed. .... But the technical condition necessary for inference (p-values) is that the residuals are normally distributed. This is called called the conditional distribution of Y, conditioned on all the X's.
I am not exactly sure I understand the explanation (except the part about residuals and standardized residuals)