This arxiv paper may be of use to you:
Data augmentation for non-Gaussian regression models using variance-mean mixtures
Very simple to code up and implement, you could use the standard linear model function lm(y~formula,weights=w) for the "M" step (including estimation of $\sigma$) where the weights are taken from the "E" step.
Note that for a Cauchy RV we have that $(e_i|\sigma^2\omega_i)\sim N(0,\sigma^2\omega_i^{-1})$ and $\omega_i\sim \chi^2(1)$ implies $(e_i|\sigma^2)\sim Cauchy(0,\sigma^2)$. The derivative of the negative log likelihood is $\frac{2e_i}{\sigma^2+e_i^2}$ which is $f'()$ in proposition of the paper. This means that the "E" step is given as:
where $\hat{r}_i=y_i-x_i^T\hat{\beta}$ is the current residual (easily obtained from lm()$residuals in the previous "M" step).
The tricky part with this is to note that the second derivative of the negative log likelihood is given as $$\frac{2}{\sigma^2+e_i^2}-\frac{4e_i^2}{(\sigma^2+e_i^2)^2}$$ which mean the optimisation problem is not convex - so you may have multiple modes. EM will surely find one of them, but you need to do re-starts at different values to make sure you have the actual maximum.
As mentioned in my comment, I have added some R code demonstrating the multi-modal nature of Cauchy regression. This is especially true in just the cases where Cauchy regression is most useful - when there are outliers that influence the regression fit. This example shows this by using a point of high leverage which doesn't follow the rest of the data.
#em algorithm for Cauchy regression
cauchylm <- function(y,x,beta_init=NULL){
n <- length(y)
ols_reg <- lm(y~x)
beta_old <- ols_reg$coefficients
sigma_old <- summary(ols_reg)$sigma
beta_old <- beta_init
ols_reg <- list(residuals=y-beta_init[1]-x*beta_init[2])
sigma_old <- sqrt(sum(ols_reg$residuals^2)/(n-2))
iter<- 1
prec <- 1
weights <- 2*sigma_old^2/(sigma_old^2+ols_reg$residuals^2)
ols_reg <- lm(y~x,weights=weights)
beta <- ols_reg$coefficients
sigma <- summary(ols_reg)$sigma
prec <- max(abs(c(beta,sigma)-c(beta_old,sigma_old))/(abs(c(beta_old,sigma_old))+0.001))
beta_old <- beta
sigma_old <- sigma
iter <- iter+1
#this example creates a point of high leverage, showing the multimodality
x<- runif(10)
beta <- -1
alpha <- 1
y <- alpha + beta*x + 0.3*rnorm(10)
x0 <- 4
y0 <- x0+0.3*rnorm(1)
# Cauchy regression using OLS estimates as starting values
reg1 <- cauchylm(c(y,y0),c(x,x0))
# Cauchy regression using true values as starting values
reg2 <- cauchylm(c(y,y0),c(x,x0),c(alpha,beta))
# Cauchy regression using random values as starting values
reg3 <- cauchylm(c(y,y0),c(x,x0),rnorm(2))
# Cauchy regression using random values as starting values
reg4 <- cauchylm(c(y,y0),c(x,x0),c(0,0))
# Cauchy regression using large values as starting values
reg5 <- cauchylm(c(y,y0),c(x,x0),c(10,10))
#Shows that EM algorithm converged to different modes
#plot of the fitted lines
reg5$ols_reg$fitted),type='l',ylab="Y",xlab="X",main="Cauchy Regression")
will let you specify a $\psi$ function, though I think the choice of scale estimate is limited to a few options. $\endgroup$robustbase
that might let you get near to what you want, but I'm not certain of that. $\endgroup$