Is there a known analytic solution for finding the minimum variance unbiased estimator of a disk of an unknown location given that a sample of $n$ points was drawn uniformly and randomly from the disk of known radius $r$; and, if so, what is it?
Intuitively, I would expect it to be the midrange of the longest segment of the set of all possible pairs of points, but that might discard information created by the added dimension.
EDIT Unfortunately, I am stuck rather early in the process and I am aware that an MVUE may not exist. A unique maximum likelihood estimator does not exist.
First, I define $$\hat{\theta}_x=\hat{\theta}_x(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n)$$ and $$\hat{\theta}_y=\hat{\theta}_x(y_1,y_2,\dots,y_n).$$
Then, I am trying to solve for $$\min_{\hat{\theta}}\mathbb{E}[(\theta_x-\hat{\theta}_x)^2+(\theta_y-\hat{\theta}_y)^2]$$ subject to $$\mathbb{E}(\theta_x-\hat{\theta}_x)=0$$ and $$\mathbb{E}(\theta_y-\hat{\theta}_y)=0$$ and $$(x_i-\theta_x)^2+(y_i-\theta_y)^2\le{r}^2$$ and $$f((x_i,y_i)|(\theta_x,\theta_y))=\frac{1}{\pi{r^2}}.$$
I had hoped that if I built a Lagrangian, the inequality constraints would be useful in determining $\hat{\theta}$ even if through some envelope condition, but, of course, as $\hat{\theta}$ isn't a term in the inequalities, they drop out entirely.
The other thought I had was to possibly, in some way, use the fact that the variance of $x$ and $y$ were known to constrain the estimator in some way.